SOLAR EXPRESS distinguishes itself from other solar power companies because it offers more than simple installations. We’re using solar power to simplify your life, reduce your energy bill, and clean up the environment.


We believe that every home and business owner should have the ability to harness the power of the sun and convert it to renewable energy for their property.

Our Mission

Our intention is to provide high value, competitively priced solar and lighting installations that give our customers their own power plants for the future.

Thus enabling them to save money, go green and give them control of their energy needs for themselves, their community and the country. The business objective is to show and provide services that are excellent investments for our customers. These same investments will provide our business, employees and energy consultants with a rewarding and fruitful practice.

Thus enabling them to save money, go green and give them control of their energy needs for themselves, their community and the country. The business objective is to show and provide services that are excellent investments for our customers. These same investments will provide our business, employees and energy consultants with a rewarding and fruitful practice.

We want to create a working environment where safety is priority, customer satisfaction is paramount and each employee and energy consultant is respected.

Just say no... To your electric bill.

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